the Next Generation
迄今为止,本公司不断地开发出符合时代要求的加工机械,赢得了世界各国玻璃行业同仁绝对的信赖和好评。 我们今后也将面向世界,凭借多年积累的丰富的加工机械制造经验和集团内部的协同机制,充分发挥在国际上快速收集信息的能力,用我们独创的高端技术为不同时代的玻璃行业实现自动化,省力化而持续努力,不断开发出更新型的加工设备。
Product line up
Tool / Chemicals (EN)
High Speed Grinding Coolant No.24-9 [ Chemical Solution Type Grinding Oil for Glass Processing ]
High Speed Grinding Coolant No.24-9 is suitable for edge grinding and drilling of automotive glass which requires high speed grinding feed rate. It is also suitable for edge grinding and drilling of FPD glass which requires high quality and precision.
BANDO SPECIAL CUTTING LIQUID “BSCL6829” [ Cutting Oil for Automotive Glass / FPD Glass / Architectural Glass ]
We developed BSCL6829 exclusively for the purpose of cutting (scribing) glasses. BSCL6829 enhances the processing performance compared to when kerosene is used.
- Optimum surface tension for cutting.
- Possible to remove thermal stress for sure
(boiling point +/-2℃)
- Washing performance
- Lubricating performance
- No impurities
- CNC 切割、掰边、研磨成套设备
- CNC LOW-E 取膜设备
- CNC 开孔设备
- 清洗机
- 上片机 / 取片机
- 室内镜 / 门用镜切割机
- 棱镜磨边机 -
- 薄板用玻璃加工设备
- 薄板用自动掰片设备
- CNC 研磨机
- 双边磨边机
- CNC 打孔机
- 清洗机
- 上片机 / 取片机